Hamilton, Andrew. The Self and Self-Conciousness. PhD Dissertation, University of St. Andrews, 1988.
Brunet, Josée. Le Raisonnement Selon Anscombe, Harman et Broome. PhD Dissertation, University of Quebec - Montreal, 2007. [in French]
Ford, Anton. Action and Generality. PhD Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2008.
Aucouturier, Valerie. "In Terms of Language": the Articulation Between Intention, Action and Language in the Work of GEM Anscombe. PhD Dissertation, University of Kent, 2009.
Nance, Ian Thomas. Intentional Actions: Explanation and Epistemology. PhD Dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2011.
O’Brien, Matthew. Practical Necessity: A Study in Ethics, Law, and Human Action. PhD Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 2011.
Paakkunainen, Hille. Towards the Autonomy of Ethics: Skepticism, Agency, and Normative Commitment. PhD Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2011.
Stuchlik, Joshua. Reason’s Self-Actualization: An Essay on Self-Consciousness and Rational Agency. PhD Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2011.
Frost, Kim. Mental Capacities and Their Imperfect Exercises: The Essential Normativity of the Mind. PhD Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2012.
Davey, Stephen. Reasons, Objective and Explanatory: an Anscombean Defense of Reasons Externalism. PhD Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 2013.
White Berger, Victoria. “Comparing Perspectives on Cause and Reason in Intentional Action: Elizabeth Anscombe's Intention and Donald Davidson's ‘Actions, Reasons and Causes.’” MA Thesis, University of Missouri–St. Louis, 2014.
Nieswandt, Katharina. Moral Rights and Social Conventions. PhD Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2015.
Campbell, Lucy. Action, Intention and Knowledge. PhD Dissertation, University of Cambridge, 2016.
Regan, Michael. The ‘Ought’ of Flourishing in Elizabeth Anscombe’s ‘Modern Moral Philosophy’ and Philippa Foot’s Natural Goodness. PhD Dissertation, Maynooth University, 2016.
O'Hara, Neil Martin. Basic Moral Certainty and the Foundations of Morality. PhD Dissertation, University of Hertfordshire, 2017.
Ingram, Andrew Tice. Deontic Moral Concepts. PhD Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 2018.
Cash, Luke. An Anscombean Approach to Animal Agency. PhD Dissertation, University of Cambridge, 2019.
Schulz, Benjamin. Practical Knowledge Within Our Means. PhD Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2019.