Post-Classical Language Workshops
Koine Greek and Medieval & Renaissance Latin
The Collegium Institute organizes these weekly workshops as convivial forums in which the studiosi of the University City community gather to translate and discuss seminal Greek and Latin texts of the post-classical period.
Post-Classical Latin Workshop Fall 2024: Against the Vernacular Bible? The Counter-Reformation Disputations of Cardinal Robert Bellarmine
This convivial workshop meets weekly to practice Latin translation and examine post-classical texts, history, culture, and refreshments together. This fall we will take up what has been considered the “summa” of Counter-Reformation controversy: the Disputationes de Controversiis Christianae Fidei (1586-1593). Here, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, who served on both the Index and Inquisition and was known as the “papal theologian” attempts to engage systematically with the questions that divided sixteenth-century Christianity. In the first session we will begin with his treatment of vernacular Bible translation and reading. What did he argue was (and was not) the authoritative Church position on this classic question of early modernity?
To inquire and receive a copy of the text (and zoom link, if desired) -- please contact Dr. Daniel Cheely: cheelyjm@sas.upenn.edu
Fall 2024 Time & Dates: Mondays 4:00-5:00PM starting September 9th
Location: Williams 440 and on-zoom
Koine Greek Workshop
This weekly reading group is open to Koine Greek learners of all levels who want to read Biblical and Patristic texts in their original language. It is moderated by Professor Jay Treat of the University of Pennsylvania’s Religious Studies Department. The Fall 2024 topic is Early Christian Polemics: Sayings of the Desert Fathers and Origen's Contra Celsum.
This workshop is held virtually via Zoom. If you are interested in participating, please contact Grant Bruner at gbruner@collegiuminstitute.org.
Fall 2024 Time & Dates: Monday from 5:00pm to 6:00pm ET, beginning Monday, September 9.