Please join us for the Collegium Institute's Poetry in the Park: Shakespeare on Friendship, Collegium's inaugural program for high school students at the Willows Park in Radnor, PA on 11/14 from 2pm to 4:30pm.
Poetry in the Park: Shakespeare on Friendship will consist of a dramatic staging of selected acts and scenes from Shakespeare where students will be assigned a role to be read aloud in lively fashion followed by discussion with Collegium staff members. The selected Shakespeare scenes will span a broad array of Shakespeare plays with inclusions from Julius Caesar and Henry IV Part 1 to As You Like It and Much Ado About Nothing.
Since we at the Collegium Institute appreciate that high school students would benefit from more in-person peer interactions in this current moment, Poetry in the Park will take place in person, with a 15 person maximum. We will make sure to abide by whatever COVID-related restrictions the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has in place regarding the size of the group and social distancing procedures.
Please fill out the form below to register, and please note that if you are not a current registrant of On Reconciling Science and Religion, you will be subject to a $5 fee to defray the cost of procuring the relevant Shakespeare texts.