Conciliar Theology: From Trent to Vatican II

In this year’s grad colloquium, we will engage with the two great councils of the modern world: Trent and Vatican II. We will consider these two formative councils for the modern world and explore them as essential guides for understanding our salvation and justification, the nature of the human person, the meaning of the church church, the shape of the lay vocation, and the relationship between religion and freedom. 

In exploring these two councils, we hope to deepen our understanding of Catholicism while considering ways to bring the faith to the world. 


  • Thursday, Sept. 29 7-8:30pm Trent Sixth Session on Justification 

  • Thursday, Oct. 20 7-8:30pm Trent passages on the sacraments/ liturgy

  • Thursday, Nov. 17 7-8:30pm Lumen Gentium  What is the Church?

  • Thursday, Jan. 19 7-8:30pm Gaudium et Spes The Crisis of Modernity and the Human Person

  • Thursday, Feb. 16 7-8:30pm Gaudium et Spes Responding to the World

  • Thursday, March 16 7-8:30pm Apostolicam Actuositatem & Ad Gentes Living the Lay Vocation

  • Thursday, April 13 7-8:30pm Dignitatis Humanae & Nostra Aetate Human Dignity and Religious Relations

  • Thursday, May 18 7-8:30pm concluding conversation